Max Paul Aguilar Mamani

Experienced software developer with a passion for developing innovative programs that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. Well-versed in technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly. Skilled developer who has the proven ability to build software programs and effectively track changes. Confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and further their success.

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CHAIN SERVICES T.I. S.A.C. 2022-Present
Implementation of the STARBUCKS REWARDS 3.0 Project
  • Means of payment to participate in the Starbucks Rewards program and shop at Starbucks.
  • Integration of google maps directions for Delivery.
  • Management of Starbucks cards for users linked to Starbucks Rewards.
  • Security integration for XSRF/CSRF attacks.

Niubiz, Azure DevOps, API Rest, C# MVC, .Net 6, Gitlab, JQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS3, Boostrap 5, SOLID, DI, JIRA, SLACK, POSTMAN.

FullStack Software Engineer
Universidad del Pacífico 2021-2022
  • Perform web application programming based on specifications provided by users.
  • Support in the execution of improvements in the use of functionalities of the user web applications.
  • Support in carrying out functional performance tests and interoperability of systems and applications in general.

Technologies Used: MSSQL, C#,, TFS, Aranda, Smowl, Ellucian.

Solution Developer
Business Analytics S.A.C. 2020-2021
  • Development of a web system for the management of transport routes.
  • Management and maintenance of a system that allows assigning tasks, planning routes and control the equipment you have in the field (sales, collection, distribution), via internet and in real time.
  • Implementation of systems that allows the management of advertising panels.

Technologies Used: C# MVC 5, Core, MSSQLS, PostgreSQL, Entity Framework, TFS, SCRUM, Dapper, Qgis, SOAP, POSTMAN, Smartgit, VS Code, JS, JQuery, HTML5, Angular JS, CSS, Boostrap 3-4, MS Visio.

Software Developer
Noatum Logistic INC S.R.L. 2019-2020
  • Improvement of the user interface in responsive mode of all the existing systems.
  • Maintaining master tables for the management of access by permissions to the systems by users.

Technologies Used: C# .Net Framework, CSLA.NET, DevExpress, Git, HTML5, CSS3, Sql Server, SOLID

Software Developer
Gardinalli Quiropraxia 2020-2021
  • Improvements in the synchronization of the patient calendar in the doctor and assistant calendar.
  • Implementation of digital clinical history report of patientssystems.

Technologies Used: C# .Net Framework, Sql Server, EF, Git, HTML5, CSS3, JS

Software Developer
Spring Valley Software 2017-2018
  • Implementation of payment gateway through PayPal libraries for the purchase of Cryptocurrency Synapsecoin.
  • Development of a web portal for job advertisements and job bank, integrating own and external advertisements.

Technologies Used: ASP, C# .NET, MVC, Web Api REST, ADO.Net, EF, MSSQLS, TDD, DDD, SCRUM, SOLID Principles, Design Patterns, DevOps Culture, GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Azure., HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Blockchain, PayPal API.

Software Developer
Innova Consultores 2016
  • Analysis, development and implementation of a web portal for the management of small and medium-sized companies, optimizing control over sales.

Technologies Used: ASP, C# .NET, MVC, ADO.Net, Entity Framework, MSSQLS, GIT HTML5, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap.


Programming Languages: C# (Advanced), MSSQL(Advanced), Javascript (Advanced).

Frameworks and Tools: Advanced: Net Framework, SOLID, POO, MVC, REST, TDD, Git, Entity Framework/Core, Dapper, Angular. Intermediate: PostgreSql, MongoDB, Qgis, DevExpress, CSLA, ELLUCIAN.

Languages: English (Intermediate); Spanish (Native)

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